found previous history for this message that stated: - Once a Location has been entered in the MULTIASSETLOCCI table you won't be able to delete the Location; you will have to change the Status of the Location to Decommissioned. - By changing the status to "Decommissioned" you will find it no longer appears in the Locations value lists. .


Step by Step Instructions (Create Table) Create table BPDAUDIT (or use your company naming standards). BPD Custom Attribute Audit Table When you create a new table in Maximo, the system adds a description attribute by default.

I will cover that in another post. 2020-08-20 · In Maximo, the ALNDOMAIN object already has a language table L_ALNDOMAIN. Incidentally, the Description Prefix is in the CLASSSPEC object/table, it is the attribute ATTRDESCPREFIX. The CLASSSPEC table can support a language table, but you will find that the ATTRDESCPREFIX is not marked as “Multilanguage Supported” and this field in Database Configuration is read-only. 2016-10-24 · The Database Configuration app has a tab that includes the steps Maximo uses to understand the relationship between different tables.

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First, the acronym MBO stands for Maximo Business Object. This represents a generic record of data within Maximo. An MBO could be a Work Order, an Asset, an Item, or any of the other hundreds of record types in Maximo. I have application Receiving (PO) in Maximo. I wanted to add custom table in for record packgages like how many plastic we get with this order or how many cartridges in kilos and so one.

MULTIASSETLOCCI table is part of Work Order application. So if you a have a Work Order created against this Location there will be an entry in that table. Once the Location has been entered in MULTIASSETLOCCI table, you will no longer be able to delete it. You will have to change the Status of the Location to Decommissioned.

Get animated. Animate 3D characters for games, film, and more. Third-Party Technology: Certain Maximo products contain technology provided under license from third parties, as noted in the following table: Open Source: Maximo contains computer software obta ined from the public doma in, known as "Open Source" ownership of which is attributed as follows: Portions ' 2002, Steve Souza ( How to (further) integrate Inspection Data into core Maximo Migration of Inspection Forms from one Maximo to another Creation of Inspection Forms using the MIF Understand the Inspection Database Tables Write an Inspection Result BIRT Report Keep Work Orders and Inspections in sync with an automation script I am creating a custom button in Assignment Manager to mimic the OOB Assign Labor button with a few modifications.

Multiassetlocci table in maximo

The leading periods are to show mandatory spacing. Essentially, if WONUM is NOT blank (required to save a WO), and all three of the other fields ARE blank, a custom error is thrown. Note: To make the error work, you need to configure your custom error message. I will cover that in another post.

Then, 3 WONUM will be created ( 1216, TXX1,TXX2 ) In MULTIASSETLOCCI table, 3 Records are created for each WONUMs 2. Duplicate work order 1216 created in EAGLENA. So the following where clause is what you get if you search for 11300 on the list page's ASSET field, then go to Advanced Search, and type in 11230 in the Asset field: ((woclass = 'WORKORDER' or woclass = 'ACTIVITY') and historyflag = 0 and siteid = 'BEDFORD' and assetnum like '%11300%' and istask = 0) and (exists (select 1 from maximo.multiassetlocci where ((assetnum like '%11230%')) and (recordkey=workorder.wonum and recordclass=workorder.woclass and worksiteid=workorder.siteid Maximo running slowly for some users and I can't figure out why Adding fields to Multi-Asset (MULTIASSETLOCCI) table to view on a work order Mbo object to represent MultiAssetLocCI. See the Work order package description for details.. This is a site level object. There are no key attributes for this object. The attributes in this object are as follows: MULTIASSETLOCCI table is part of Work Order application.

The attributes in this object are as follows: MULTIASSETLOCCI table is part of Work Order application. So if you a have a Work Order created against this Location there will be an entry in that table. Once the Location has been entered in MULTIASSETLOCCI table, you will no longer be able to delete it. You will have to change the Status of the Location to Decommissioned. The system must display a work order marker for each record if the records have different x/y values.
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Essentially, if WONUM is NOT blank (required to save a WO), and all three of the other fields ARE blank, a custom error is thrown. Note: To make the error work, you need to configure your custom error message. I will cover that in another post.

HasLinear is true if either the header asset of the WO or one of the assets in the MultiAssetLocCI table is linear.
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IV75060: The current multiassetlocci is the replacement asset. Find the multiassetlocci that has this replacement asset(entered as replaceassetnum). This.assetnum = theOtherMulti.replaceassetnum

Another way is to set a field that has a changeaction on the xml of the application designer to refresh/reset a table. Newer versions of Maximo … Maximo Spatial Asset Management is compatible with IBM Maximo Asset Management.