Nerve III; Nerve IIIs; Nerves, Third Cranial; Nerve, Third Cranial; Nervus Oculomotorius The motor fibers originate in the oculomotor nuclei of the midbrain.


N. oculomotorius innerverar fyra av de sex ögonmusklerna [BILD 1.10], m. levator Den motoriska delen härrör från nucleus ambiguus i nedre 

Nuclei pontis. Pedunculus cerebellaris medius n. trigeminus (V)  nucleus pretectalis i dorsala mesencephalon och följer synbanan längs synnerven, chaisma till Tredje neuronet innerverar via n. oculomotorius ganglion. Stråk av vit substans som separerar nucleus lentiformis från nucleus caudatus, Innehåller nucleus subthalamicus och en del olika n.

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oculomotorius (blandad) i oculomotor nerven (nucleus n. oculomotorii)beläget under hjärnans akvedukt på nivån  The fibers of the oculomotor nerve arise from a nucleus in the midbrain, which lies in the gray substance of the floor of the cerebral aqueduct and extends in front of the aqueduct for a short distance into the floor of the third ventricle. The oculomotor nuclei are located in the mesencephalon at the level of the superior colliculi. These paired midline structures are located ventrolateral to the aqueduct of Sylvius and are bordered laterally by the median longitudinal fasciculi. The oculomotor nucleus is a small somatic motor nucleus in the midbrain and one of the two nuclei for the oculomotor nerve. The oculomotor nerve (CN III) arises from the anterior aspect of mesencephalon (midbrain). There are two nuclei for the oculomotor nerve: The oculomotor nucleus originates at the level of the superior colliculus.

benedikt-szindróma (nucleus ruber sérülése következtében jelentkező nervus oculomotorius bénulás és hemiataxia) (paralysis mesencephalica segmentalis) är 

oculomotorius (III) n. trochlearis (IV).

N oculomotorius nuclei

Nervus oculomotorius er den tredje hjernenerve.N. oculomotorius kontrollerer øyebevegelsene sammen med nervus trochlearis og nervus abducens, kontroller konstriksjon av pupillen og innerverer øyelokket.

De kern ligt ter hoogte van de colliculus superior in het rostrale deel van het mesencephalon ( middenhersenen ). Der Edinger-Westphal-Kern (Nucleus accessorius nervi oculomotorii) ist das Ursprungskerngebiet der parasympathischen Nervenfasern des dritten Hirnnervs (Nervus oculomotorius) und liegt im Mittelhirn. Er wurde nach den Entdeckern Ludwig Edinger und Carl Friedrich Otto Westphal benannt. N. oculomotorius (N.III) The oculomotor nerve is a motor cranial nerve endowed with both somato- and visceromotor components, for which one complex is responsible in each case. Nucleus accessorius nervi oculomotorii sive Nucleus Edinger et Westphal est nucleus nervi oculomotorius fibrarum nervalium efferentium, in mesencephalo situs, musculos oculi internos gubernandi. Conexiones sunt pars parasympathica systematis nervosi autonomici , cuius fibrae praeganglionares musculos et sphincterem pupillae et ciliarem innverant. WITHIN THE NUCLEUS OF N. OCULOMOTORIUS IN ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Leonard Scinto1, Changiz Geula2, 1Cambridge Neurodiagnostics Limited, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States; 2Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, United States.

oculomotorius IV. n.
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Medium Weight Target Nucleus Let here we can take Cu for target nucleus in nuclear reactions and nuclear reactions are perform as following. 3.2.1. Elastic Reaction Elastic reaction is possible taking medium weight target nucleus.

Those of the posterior group are six in number, five of which are symmetrical on the two sides of the middle line, while the sixth is centrally placed and is common to the nerves of both sides. Nervus oculomotorius passerar alldeles under lillhjärnstentoriet och dess slits, varför det ibland kan finnas en ursparning i tentoriet genom vilken fascikeln passerar. Den är då känslig för tryck t ex ett ökat intrakraniellt tryck med nedpressning av cerebrum mot tentoriumslitsen. The defeat of the entire nucleus of the III nerve: Ipsilateral - complete paralysis of the 3rd nerve.
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N. oculomotorius (ögonmuskelnerven). IV. N. trochlearis N. vagus (kringirrande,”vagabonderande” nerven). XI XII. N.hypoglossus (tungans rörelsenerv) 

They're called: The cell bodies of the oculomotor nerve are located within two nuclei positioned close to one another, posteromedially in the midbrain, the most superior component of the brainstem.